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Image by Terry Vlisidis


Craniosacral therapy evolved from osteopathy. Some practitioners noticed that as well as the obvious movements of bones, muscles and tissues, there were other rhythmic motions that could be sensed throughout the body.


Most people can sense these with some training. It is not magic or special, but part of us all, albeit a subtle and amazing part. 


Biodynamic CST practitioners use their hands to sense these rhythms and to make contact with areas of stress, strain, holding or tension, where a body's tissues have contracted, often to protect around a shock, injury or trauma. Sometimes this can be as far back as birth. 

These patterns can be held in the body often unconsciously for years, if they haven't had a chance to dissipate naturally. This can contribute to physical pain years later, such as back or joint pain, digestive issues or migraine. Or emotional issues, when the body is held in patterns of anxiety, depression, adrenalin-fuelled hyperactivity, or a 'workaholic' lifestyle. 


The practitioner supports the body to re-engage with areas that have been held in a protective state, to allow release and resolution around problem areas. This is often accompanied by a deep sense of relaxation.


CST helps the body to remember and engage with its natural stillness and health, encouraging deeper sleep.

When resources are freed up from 'holding it all together', it's not unusual to experience an increased sense of vitality, energy and motivation after craniosacral treatment.




Biodynamic CST treatment is very gentle, and suitable for all, from babies to the elderly. 




About Craniosacral Therapy : About Me
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